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Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCP's)

For more detailed information about EHCP's, please click on the links below. 

An EHCP Noticeboard below shares information that has been distributed to SENCo's in our Weekly Newsletter.

Hertfordshire County Council: SEND 0-25 Years Local Offer - EHCP's

Herts Grid - EHCP page



SENCo EHCP Noticeboard




EHCP Annual Review Training for Schools & Settings:  September & October 2024




This is Me! - Resources

‘This is Me’ is the new form to support children and young people in telling their story. 

We ask all children and young people to complete the ‘This is Me’ form, with the support of their families and the professionals who know them well.  The information on the 'This is me' form is used to carefully ensure Section A of the EHCP is completed by professionals and accurately reflects the views and aspirations of the child or young person. 

Section A is usually split into two parts:

  • a part for the parent / carer
  • a part for the child or young person to complete. 

Remember that the views of the child/young person can be given in any way they can, e.g., video (please include transcript), drawings, photos with explanations etc.  Be as creative as you like and do not let writing be a barrier to completion. This is the child/young persons’ plan, so it's very important we have their views.

We have listened to school feedback and now have the following:

- A word version of the form that can be easily used which also includes guidance and consent in the one document

- Screen reader versions .  Also on this link is a pre-recorded presentation.

More information is available below in the attachments.