Early Years
Early Years information and links
See also: Early Years Noticeboard and DfE Early Years links
Early years (ages 0 - 5) (hertfordshire.gov.uk)
Early years SEND team (hertfordshire.gov.uk)
North Herts & Stevenage Early Years Cluster (DSPL2 Early Years SENCo Forum)
Early Years North Herts & Stevenage Cluster
DSPL2 are changing the way we deliver our Early Years Senco forums. We are aware it is often difficult for colleagues to be released to attend forums and so going forward we will instead be joining the North Herts and Stevenage Early Years Clusters delivered by HCC colleagues.
Booking arrangements via HCC will be published when we have been informed, however keep these dates in your diary!
Please see dates below:
Wednesday 12 March 2025 | 10.00am - 12.00pm |
1.00pm - 3.00pm | |
Tuesday 10 June 2025 | 10.00am - 12.00pm |
1.00pm - 3.00pm |
Early Years SEND Team Offer for Children in the Early Years (0-7)
For more information, click on the attachments below 'Early Years SEND Team offer for Children in the Early Years (0-7)' and 'Funding for the Provision of Support for SEND and Additional Needs in the Early Years'.
Message from County Lead for Early Years SEND October 2024:-
Over the past few months, the Early Years SEND Team have undergone several changes and have been reviewing the service offer and EYs Funding processes. We have been working hard to ensure we have a clear and accessible service offer that supports early identification, timely and effective intervention and equips early years providers to develop inclusive practice and support the SEND needs of all learners.
We are delighted to now be sitting within the Early Years Service, we have also welcomed the Early Years Speech, Language, Communication and Autism (SLCA) Specialist Advisory Teachers and Inclusion Specialists into the Early Years SEND Team. Bringing together all Early Years SEND professionals into one team will help to ensure services are delivered efficiently and as effectively as possible. We hope that these changes will make it easier for practitioners to know who is available to support.
Following a review and feedback from providers, we have also amended the Early Years Funding processes, please see new guidance attached. We have streamlined the process to ensure Early Years Inclusion Funding is accessed and awarded in an effective and timely way to support children (in receipt of early years entitlements) with low and emerging SEND needs. If you have any questions or queries about the new guidance, please contact your IDO or area Lead Teacher. Contact information can be found on the Service Offer.
The Early Years SEND team sits within the Early Years Service, which is a part of Children’s Services within Hertfordshire County Council.
The Early Years SEND team support children from birth up to seven years old with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). Practitioners from the service give advice and guidance to families in the home and to professionals in Early Years Settings (the private, voluntary and independent (PVI) sector, maintained nurseries and schools) developing their skills and confidence to use techniques and interventions to understand and meet the educational needs of the child.
Early Years SEND Team Structure
Early Years Specialist Advisory Teachers (SATS)
Our Specialist Advisory Teachers (SATs) are qualified teachers with specialist SEND experience and qualifications. They have worked in a wide range of educational settings to include the Private, Voluntary and Independent Sector (PVI), childminders, local authority-maintained nurseries and nursery classes, in mainstream and specialist schools. Specialist Advisory Teachers work with individual children and their families and/or education providers offering support in the home, PVI and maintained nurseries, school nurseries and Reception classes, assessing need and giving practical advice and guidance. They also offer training to Early Years settings. Specialist Advisory Teachers are linked to a DSPL area, some of our SATs work in our Early Years Specialist Development centres which offer support and specialist intervention programmes for children and their families.
Early Years Inclusion Specialists (EYIS)
Early Years Inclusion Specialists (EYIS) are highly specialised learning support practitioners. In a similar way to the SATs, they have worked in a wide range of educational settings, supporting children with medical conditions, developmental disorders and learning differences. They work alongside our Specialist Advisory Teachers to model interventions and strategies suggested in their advice and guidance. EYIS can offer support in the home, PVI and maintained nurseries and schools. They also deliver training and offer group sessions for children and their families. Early Years Specialist SEND Practitioners (EYSSP) have a similar role to EYIS, but support teaching and learning in the Early Years Specialist Development Centres.
Inclusion Development Officers (IDO)
Inclusion Development Officers (IDO) have extensive and varied experience in Early Years education and SEND. They work with practitioners in PVI and maintained nursery settings and childminders. IDOs develop inclusive practice in Early Years settings by training staff and enhancing systems and processes within the nursery, to ensure progress of all children with SEND. IDOs also offer consultations to provide advice on appropriate strategies, interventions, and next steps for children with SEND needs at an emerging or Targeted Level. IDOs assume the responsibility of the Area SENCo, in line with the SEND Code of Practice (2015). In schools, this role would usually be fulfilled by the SENCo.
Early Years Inclusion Advisors (EYIA)
Early Years Inclusion Advisors have extensive and varied experience in Early Years education and SEND. They work with practitioners in PVI, maintained nursery settings, local authority-maintained nurseries, school nursery classes and Reception classes. EYIAs support inclusive practice in Early Years settings by advising staff on appropriate strategies, interventions, and next steps for children with SEND needs at a Targeted Level. EYIA’s offer online consultations and Solution Support Groups to provide advice on effective provision for children with emerging SEND needs.
Early Years Emotional Wellbeing and Behaviour Specialists (EWBS)
Early Years Emotional Wellbeing and Behaviour Specialists have specialised knowledge, skills and experience supporting children with social, emotional and behavioural needs in the Early Years. At the universal level EY EWBs support and train Early Years practitioners to adopt trauma informed practices and develop a therapeutic approach to behaviour support in their settings. At Targeted level EY EWBs support setting staff to embed trauma informed strategies, facilitate peer support and lead solution circles. At Specialist level, EWBS offer consultations and follow up support for individual children. EY EWBs will facilitate successful transitions to new educational settings and may provide transitional support alongside behaviour outreach services once a child reaches 5 years of age.
HCC Early Years Advice Line
My Baby's Brain - courses - see the Early Years Noticeboard.
STEP 2 - Under 5's Offer
0-5's offer
Information on the 0-5's offer is attached below.
Step 2 referrals and queries
- Step 2 are very willing to speak to schools, and want to do more to actively encourage referrers to email in or call to arrange duty calls to discuss cases they have questions about.
- Step 2 welcome ‘pre conversations’ about potential referral is made, ensuring that the right children get support at the right time.
Next steps
If you have any queries about referrals which are not accepted, please email hct.step2@nhs.net or call 01438 730570 to arrange a duty call. They run duty calls on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. You may need to wait a week for a slot, but they will definitely book you in.
In the meantime, Step 2 will be providing information/presenting at the summer/autumn DSPL meetings so that we can share this information with as many schools as possible. We’ll also be sharing guidance in the EMWiE newsletter.
Children & Young Peoples Speech & Language Therapy Service
See the Early Years Noticeboard - for courses
NHS Children & Young Peoples Speech and Language Therapy Service more information and resources.
FOLLOW - a set of simple ideas to help support your child’s speech and language
FOLLOW: An easy-to-use set of simple ideas to help support your child's speech and language at home. You'll find top tips on using the key strategies in everyday activities, such as going for a walk, getting ready to go out and feeding the ducks!
Hertfordshire Children & Young People's Mental Health Service Directory
A copy of this directory, with links, can be downloaded in the attachments below.