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Early Years

Early Years information and links

See also:  Early Years Noticeboard and DfE Early Years links


DSPL2 Early Years SENCo Forums

DSPL2 host half-termly SENCo Forums for all SEND professionals.  

There is a separate forum for Early Years settings. The agendas can then be tailored to the needs of our colleagues.  

Meetings in 2024/25 will be held on Thursdays in the Oak Suite at Peartree Spring Primary School 10-11am.  Click on the button above for dates and times.

At the start of each Forum, we will share updates from DSPL2.  Professionals from Integrated Services for Learning (ISL) and guest speakers regularly join us.  

We always welcome contributions from our schools and settings and gratefully receive ideas for guest speakers.   




Early Years Tier 1

Tier 1 is our training offer, Early Years Therapeutic Approaches to Behaviour (TAB - see attachments below) is delivered over 2 parts. The first via teams 9:30am-12:30pm and the second is face to face at Robertson House. Our training at present is free. This years training has finished and the dates are being finalised for the next academic year. Next year there will be 2 cohorts instead of 3.

 We have also recorded The Virtual Schools Trauma Informed and Attachment Aware training which you can freely watch on The Local Offer, Link below.


This is the link for the training materials:-

Early Years - Tier 2

Tier 2 is support from Inclusion Development Officers, however this is for PVI settings. If child is in school, then they can seek some initial advice from me, support with Single Service Request, APDR etc.

(See Inclusion Development Officer information below and in the attachments)

Early Years - Tier 3

Tier 3 can be a named or unnamed consultation via Teams. If named then a SSR would need to be completed. The consultation will include emailed advice.

Early Years Tier 4

Tier 4 support is for named children, SSR required and evidence of APDR. An initial visit would be arranged to observe and discuss with staff working with the child, a report would follow. A review will then be completed, all reviews are completed online via Teams. This will include discussing next steps.

Early Years - Tier 5 -                                                                  Emotional Wellbeing and Behaviour Specialist,                          ISL SEND SAS 0-5

Contact:  Hannah Fyffe

We work in a 5 tier level

Tier 5 is for complex cases, a SSR and APDR is required. For a tier 5 child there are no specific number of visits. An initial visit will be completed and a review, and we will continue to work together to ensure the child and staff receive support until either progress has been made or due to age/need they may be transferred to a different service.

It is important to note that our role is focused on emotional wellbeing and behaviour, not necessarily children with underlying SEND, however if emotional wellbeing and behaviour is the primary need then we can support. A vast number of our caseload is children who have experienced ACE’s, attachment/trauma.

Our advice can support with funding applications, this does not need to always be in the form of a report and emailed advice is fine.

Our role is 0-5 and we sit under the Early Years SEND team. I cover North Herts, Stevenage, St Albans and Dacorum. There are only 2 EWBS for the whole of Hertfordshire. In complex cases I will support the transition into Year 1 and support staff to refer to another service, whether that be outreach or SLCA etc



STEP 2 - Under 5's Offer

0-5's offer

Information on the 0-5's offer is attached below. 


Step 2 referrals and queries

  • Step 2 are very willing to speak to schools, and want to do more to actively encourage referrers to email in or call to arrange duty calls to discuss cases they have questions about.
  • Step 2 welcome ‘pre conversations’ about potential referral is made, ensuring that the right children get support at the right time.

Next steps

If you have any queries about referrals which are not accepted, please email or call 01438 730570 to arrange a duty call. They run duty calls on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. You may need to wait a week for a slot, but they will definitely book you in.

In the meantime, Step 2 will be providing information/presenting at the summer/autumn DSPL meetings so that we can share this information with as many schools as possible. We’ll also be sharing guidance in the EMWiE newsletter.


Inclusion Officer in the Early Years Service

New Childcare Inclusion Officer in the Early Years Service

The Early Years Service have appointed a new Childcare Inclusion Officer who started at the beginning of April.

Abi will be working hard to help assist parents who may be struggling to find a setting for any reason.

Her role is to act as a broker between parents and settings, liaising with both to enable families to take up Childcare Support. She will also be working closely with other teams to ensure that settings are able to access any support required to enable this to happen.

If you would like any further information, please contact Abi DeMornay-Davies on 01992 588596 or email

Inclusion Development Officer (IDO)

IDO's  work with staff in private, voluntary and independent (PVI) nurseries settings to develop inclusive practice and a whole staff approach to supporting children with SEND.

Slides from a presentation given by the IDO are attached below and can be downloaded.


FOLLOW - a set of simple ideas to help support your child’s speech and language

FOLLOW:  An easy-to-use set of simple ideas to help support your child's speech and language at home.  You'll find top tips on using the key strategies in everyday activities, such as going for a walk, getting ready to go out and feeding the ducks!