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Educational Psychology Consultations

DSPL2 are offering termly consultation sessions with
Dr Katy Cole, Educational Psychologist
(EdPsych-Insight Ltd)

Bookings for the Summer Term will open after February half-term 

What are consultations?

Educational psychology consultations are 45-minute sessions that can be used for collaborative problem solving and support for:


  • an individual child/young person – if there are concerns around progress in learning, social interactions, emotional presentation or any other area of Special Educational Needs. It is helpful to invite the parents and include the pupil in these consultations.
  • a group/class – if there are concerns about group dynamics, how to plan for differing needs across a group, or explore interventions for a particular area of need
  • an aspect of your role – if you want a space as a SENCo, senior leader or mental health lead to reflect on the emotional or work pressures of the role and explore next steps
  • an area of need in the school – if you would like support for strategic planning around e.g., literacy provision, well-being, inclusion


The intended outcomes of participating in a consultation are to have more clarity and shared understanding of a situation, and ideas on next steps to take. A short record of the consultation will be provided as evidence of discussion and action.

How do I book a consultation?


1. Phone Penny (DSPL2 Administrator) between 9-12pm on 01438 233900 (x258) to book your consultation session.  

2. You will receive a confirmation email with a consultation questionnaire attachment.

3. Complete and send the consultation questionnaire to EP at least two weeks before the date of the consultation. Please leave enough time to seek parental consent.  This form can be sent using Schoolsfx or as a password protected document. If you are unable to return the consultation questionnaire two weeks prior to the meeting, your appointment will be allocated to another school.

4. Katy will send a Zoom link for the session date/time. Save the link and share it with anyone who is due to attend the consultation.

5. Join via Zoom at the time/date booked.